School Disinfection: How to Stop the Spread of COVID-19

September 02 2020

Male worker riding a floor scrubber machine through school hallways

Now, more than ever, proper school disinfection is critical. With a pandemic still spreading across the world, the health of students and staff is dependent on the success of your school maintenance practices.

This requires some planning. Be sure to have systems in place before the return of students in the fall. Start with an initial school cleaning while facilities are still empty. Then, prepare for the rest of the year.

Initiate an overall school maintenance plan to keep your facility clean. Create a school disinfection plan to use if cases appear in your school and a separate plan to tackle substantial community spread.

Reopening schools amidst a pandemic may seem like a daunting task, but ScrubberShop is here to help. Take advantage of these school cleaning tips to prepare for the return of students and staff. Then, learn more about how industrial floor cleaning can help stop the spread of COVID-19.

Classroom Cleaning

According to the CDC, regular cleaning and disinfecting can reduce the risk of the virus spreading. Similarly, routine school disinfection can protect your students and staff.

Staff should perform thorough classroom cleaning on a regular basis. Wipe down frequently-touched surfaces like sink handles, drinking fountains, doorknobs, and light switches. Avoid letting students share items. Prepare activities in advance to get ample supplies ahead of time and eliminate the need to share.

Many schools are deciding to keep students in the classroom as much as possible to limit interaction. Some common areas, like cafeterias, may close to promote this. Classroom cleaning is more important than ever due to the amount of time spent there.

Incorporate students into classroom cleaning practices. Stock each classroom with hand sanitizer and cleaning wipes. Have students use both regularly. Teach them that it is their responsibility to keep themselves and their space clean.

Keep each student’s belongings separate. Encourage classroom cleaning routines throughout each day. These practices will help protect the health of everyone in the facility.

School Cleaning

During a pandemic, it is not enough to follow typical school maintenance procedures. Be sure to review, update, and implement emergency operations plans (EOPs) with your local health department.

If a student or staff member tests positive for the virus, immediately close off any areas accessed by the infected person. If possible, wait 24 hours to do a deep school cleaning to minimize exposure to respiratory droplets.

When cleaning, open doors and windows to increase air circulation. Clean surfaces with CDC-approved solutions for thorough school disinfection. Keep in mind that some people may be sensitive or allergic to certain smells and chemicals. Try to limit scented sprays and opt for no-scent products instead.

In certain cases, the school may need to close for some time, depending on the potential for community spread. Consider the amount of contact the infected person had with others before deciding.

Female teacher classroom cleaning before students arrive

Industrial Floor Cleaning

Industrial floor cleaning plays a huge role in keeping large facilities clean. A floor scrubber machine both cleans and disinfects. Cleaning is the physical removal of dirt and debris while disinfecting is the killing of germs.

Using a floor cleaning machine also helps control dust. Investing in a floor scrubber machine is an important part of disinfection. In elementary schools especially, students may sit on or touch the floor often. Just like any other surface, a student can touch the floor (or an object on the floor) and then touch their eyes, mouth, or nose. This carries germs from the floor to their body.

Utilizing a floor scrubber machine ensures that germs are not spread from the floor to a student or staff member. Consider investing in the proper equipment for quick and efficient industrial floor cleaning. Use ScrubberShop to find a quality floor scrubber machine for your educational facility.

ScrubberShop is a free online tool designed to let you compare pricing on a variety of equipment before you choose. Simply give us some information about your facility and we’ll match you with floor cleaning machines that fit your needs.

Invest in the right equipment before school starts back up. Find a floor scrubber machine for your facility today.

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*50% savings claims based on used scrubber and sweeper inventory compared to the cost of comparable new comparable machines. Savings is not guaranteed.